It goes without saying that Hitachi is a distinguished company, but it has clearly changed. They have restructured their business, including publicly traded subsidiaries, and shifted their focus from sales to consistently generating profits.
The key factors here are decision-making and execution. While it is well-known that Hitachi has strong on-site capabilities, there was a time when despite the efforts of the field, they were not generating profits, and the stock price was low. It was seen as a prime example of a conglomerate discount, but that is now a thing of the past.
To clearly decide what to discontinue and where to focus, and to execute those decisions, it is essential to have an organization or team that understands the entire group while maintaining some distance from the field. This is the essence of group management.
Some groups refer to this organization as “administrative staff” with a certain level of respect and restraint. If this relationship is maintained with such understanding, it can be considered a healthy one.
It goes without saying that running the business on the ground is crucial, but the next important step is the optimal allocation of resources. For Hitachi, the former is a given, and it seems they have now placed considerable emphasis on the latter.
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セミナー・サービス名 | 詳細 | 金額 | 時間 |
誰にでもわかるM&A入門セミナー | ・会場開催の詳細とお申込み ・オンライン講座の視聴 |
無料 | 2時間 |
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198,000円 | 2日間 |
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買収を検討されている企業団体様へ | |||
セミナー・サービス名 | 詳細 | 金額 | 時間 |
誰にでもわかるM&A入門セミナー | ・会場開催の詳細とお申込み ・オンライン講座の視聴 |
無料 | 2時間 |
M&A実務スキル養成講座 | ・会場開催の詳細とお申込み ・オンライン開催の詳細とお申込み ・M&A実務スキルの詳細 |
198,000円 | 2日間 |
買い手様向けセカンドオピニオンサービス | ・M&Aセカンドオピニオンサービスの詳細 | 33,000円 追加相談サービス 33,000円/1時間 | 1時間〜 |
売却を検討されている企業団体様へ | |||
セミナー・サービス名 | 詳細 | 金額 | 時間 |
誰にでもわかるM&A入門セミナー | ・会場開催の詳細とお申込み ・オンライン講座の視聴 |
無料 | 2時間 |
M&A実務スキル養成講座 | ・会場開催の詳細とお申込み ・オンライン開催の詳細とお申込み ・M&A実務スキルの詳細 |
198,000円 | 2日間 |
売り手様向けセカンドオピニオンサービス | ・M&Aセカンドオピニオンサービスの詳細 | 33,000円 | 1時間〜 |